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(Created page with "एक मिली सेकेंड के भीतर सटीक प्रति इकाई "सेकंड बदलें, जो नए तनाव में ए...") |
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<string name="guru_dynamic_c">एकल प्रशिक्षण के भीतर प्रत्येक चक्र के लिए चरणों के लिए अलग-अलग अवधि निर्धारित करें। यह छोटे से प्रशिक्षण शुरू करने की अनुमति देगा, और इस तरह आसान चक्र, और धीरे-धीरे अधिक जटिल हो जाएगा। एक प्रशिक्षण में विभिन्न पैटर्न के प्रभावों को मिलाएं!</string> | <string name="guru_dynamic_c">एकल प्रशिक्षण के भीतर प्रत्येक चक्र के लिए चरणों के लिए अलग-अलग अवधि निर्धारित करें। यह छोटे से प्रशिक्षण शुरू करने की अनुमति देगा, और इस तरह आसान चक्र, और धीरे-धीरे अधिक जटिल हो जाएगा। एक प्रशिक्षण में विभिन्न पैटर्न के प्रभावों को मिलाएं!</string> | ||
<string name="guru_accuracy_t">एक सेकंड के 1/1000 तक सटीक</string> | <string name="guru_accuracy_t">एक सेकंड के 1/1000 तक सटीक</string> | ||
− | <string name="guru_accuracy_c"> | + | <string name="guru_accuracy_c">एक मिली सेकेंड के भीतर सटीक प्रति इकाई "सेकंड बदलें, जो नए तनाव में एक आसान सुगम बदलाव में योगदान देता है।</string> |
<string name="guru_methods_t">Diverse breath methods</string> | <string name="guru_methods_t">Diverse breath methods</string> | ||
<string name="guru_methods_c">Experiment with different ways of breathing to deepen your Pranayama experience. Have a visual and acoustical guidance for switching those ways.</string> | <string name="guru_methods_c">Experiment with different ways of breathing to deepen your Pranayama experience. Have a visual and acoustical guidance for switching those ways.</string> |
Revision as of 07:52, 12 December 2019
<string name="app_name">प्राण श्वसन</string>
<string name="training">प्रशिक्षण</string> <string name="control">नियंत्रण</string> <string name="experience">अनुभव</string> <string name="statistic">आँकड़े</string> <string name="reminders">स्मरण</string> <string name="settings">सेटिंग्स</string> <string name="options">विकल्प</string> <string name="preferences">पसंद</string> <string name="general_settings">साधारण सेटिंग्ज</string> <string name="medicine_title">प्रशिक्षण प्रभाव</string> <string name="trng_faq_title">प्रशिक्षन सबंधित साधारण सवाल</string> <string name="about_title">अप्लिकेशन के बारे मैं</string> <string name="help_title">मदद</string> <string name="rate_app">इस एप्लिकेशन को रेट कीजिए</string> <string name="more">अधिक</string> <string name="more_apps">और अधिक मददगार अप्लिकेशन्स</string> <string name="help_translate">हमे भाषांतरण के लिए मदद करे.</string> <string name="share_friends">अपने मित्रो के साथ शेयर करे.</string> <string name="support_us">हमे मदद करे.</string> <string name="community">समुदाय</string> <string name="data_title">आधार सामग्री</string> <string name="backup_title">बैकअप</string> <string name="practice">सराव</string> <string name="dynamic">गतिशीलता</string> <string name="guru_title">गुरु व्हर्जन</string> <string name="free_title">मुफ्त व्हर्जन</string> <string name="features">वैशिष्ट्ये</string> <string name="log_title">दैनिकी</string> <string name="progress_title">प्रगती</string> <string name="health">स्वास्थ्य</string> <string name="sounds">ध्वनी</string> <string name="general_sounds">साधारण ध्वनी</string> <string name="trng_sounds">सराव ध्वनी</string> <string name="console">कंसोल</string> <string name="wiki_t">विकी</string> <string name="forum_t">मंच</string> <string name="youtube_t">यूट्यूब</string> <string name="social_t">फ़ेसबुक</string>
<string name="get">प्राप्त</string> <string name="add">जोड़ना</string> <string name="save">बचाना</string> <string name="yes">हाँ</string> <string name="no">नहीं</string> <string name="on">चालू</string> <string name="off">बंद</string> <string name="ok">ठीक</string> <string name="cancel">रद्द करें</string> <string name="none">कोई नहीं</string> <string name="undo">पूर्ववत</string> <string name="allow">अनुमति दे</string> <string name="disallow">इंकार करे</string> <string name="file">फ़ाइल</string> <string name="link">कड़ी</string> <string name="download">डाउनलोड</string> <string name="value">मूल्य</string> <string name="restore">पुनःस्थापन करे</string> <string name="create">निर्माण</string> <string name="delete">मिटाए</string> <string name="delete_all">सब मिटाए</string> <string name="apply">लागू करे</string> <string name="info">जानकारी</string> <string name="to_copy">नक़ल</string> <string name="copy">(नकल)</string> <string name="more_info">प्रतिलिपि</string> <string name="type_name_required_hint">नाम</string>
<string name="to_open">खोले</string> <string name="to_edit">सम्पादन</string> <string name="duplicate">प्रतिरूप</string> <string name="to_start">शुरू</string> <string name="to_resume">पुनःआरंभ</string> <string name="to_stop">रुके</string> <string name="pause">ठहरे</string> <string name="to_pause">ठहरे</string> <string name="plus_cycle">एक चक्र आगे</string> <string name="plus_minute">एक मिनट आगे</string> <string name="am">सुबह</string> <string name="pm">शाम</string> <string name="date">तारीख़</string> <string name="time">समय</string> <string name="day">दिन</string> <string name="week">हफ़्ता</string> <string name="month">महीना</string> <string name="seconds">सेकंड</string> <string name="minutes">मिनट</string> <string name="hours">घंटा</string> <string name="min">मि</string> <string name="sec">से</string> <string name="msec">मिली सैकेन्ड</string> <string name="d">दिन</string> <string name="h">घ</string> <string name="m">मि</string> <string name="s">से</string> <string name="monday_short">सोम</string> <string name="tuesday_short">मंगल</string> <string name="wednesday_short">बुध</string> <string name="thursday_short">गुरु</string> <string name="friday_short">शुक्र</string> <string name="saturday_short">शनि</string> <string name="sunday_short">रवि</string> <string name="monday">सोमवार</string> <string name="tuesday">मंगलवार</string> <string name="wednesday">बुधवार</string> <string name="thursday">गुरुवार</string> <string name="friday">शुक्रवार</string> <string name="saturday">शनिवार</string> <string name="sunday">रविवार</string> <string name="january">जनवरी</string> <string name="february">फ़रवरी</string> <string name="march">मार्च</string> <string name="april">एप्रिल</string> <string name="may">मयी</string> <string name="june">जून</string> <string name="july">जुलाई</string> <string name="august">आगस्त</string> <string name="september">सितम्बर</string> <string name="october">अक्टूबर</string> <string name="november">नवम्बर</string> <string name="december">दिसम्बर</string>
<string name="prepare">तैयार</string> <string name="inhale">श्वास ले</string> <string name="retain">श्वास रोके</string> <string name="exhale">श्वास छोड़े</string> <string name="sustain">थामे</string> <string name="inhale_short">श्वास अंदर</string> <string name="retain_short">चित्त में रखे</string> <string name="exhale_short">श्वास बाहर</string> <string name="sustain_short">बनाए रखे</string> <string name="repose">विश्राम</string> <string name="retain_1">रोके</string> <string name="sustain_2">चालू रखे</string> <string name="cycle">चक्र</string> <string name="cycles4">चक्र</string> <string name="cycles">चक्र</string> <string name="points">अंक</string>
<string name="level_1">नौसिखिया</string> <string name="level_2">मध्यम-सिखिया</string> <string name="level_3">कौशल्य</string> <string name="trng_1">साँफ मन</string> <string name="trng_2">विश्रांति</string> <string name="trng_3">शांतिदायक</string> <string name="trng_4">शक्ति</string> <string name="trng_5">सामंजस्य</string> <string name="trng_6">तनाव-विरोधी</string> <string name="trng_7">भूँक-विरोधी</string> <string name="trng_8">बिड़ी-नाशक</string> <string name="trng_more">अधिक प्रशिक्षण नमूने</string> <string name="rank_1">नौसिखिया</string> <string name="rank_2">नवदीक्षित व्यक्ति</string> <string name="rank_3">विद्यार्थी</string> <string name="rank_4">शिक्षक</string> <string name="rank_5">पेशेवर</string> <string name="rank_6">अध्यापक</string> <string name="rank_7">गुरु</string> <string name="rank_8">प्रबुद्ध</string> <string name="rank_9">कोई नहीं</string> <string name="joke_1">कुरेदना बंद करे!</string> <string name="joke_2">अच्छा ठीक है, आप ही गुरु!</string>
<string name="breathing_session">साँस लेने का सत्र</string> <string name="meditation">विचार-ध्यान</string> <string name="breathing_cycle">साँस चक्र</string> <string name="repose_cycle">आराम चक्र</string> <string name="ratio">अनुपात</string> <string name="ratio_repose_cycle">आराम चक्र का अनुपात</string> <string name="training_type">प्रशिक्षण प्रकार</string> <string name="find_trng">प्रशिक्षण खोज</string> <string name="complexity_level">जटिलता स्तर</string> <string name="ratio_breathing_cycle">साँस चक्र का अनुपात</string> <string name="constant_time">स्थिर समय</string> <string name="fractional">आंशिक</string> <string name="phase">charan</string> <string name="advanced">कुशल</string> <string name="sec_per_unit">सेकंड प्रति अनुपात इकाई</string> <string name="preparing_time">तैयारी समय</string> <string name="training_duration">कुल प्रशिक्षण समय</string> <string name="duration">अवधि</string> <string name="set_time_toast">कृपया समय निर्धारित करें!</string> <string name="nonzero_phase_toast">कृपया कम से कम एक चरण के लिए एक अशून्य मान सेट करें</string> <string name="name_exists_toast">यह नाम पहले से ही मौजूद है</string> <string name="new_trng">नया प्रशिक्षण</string> <string name="edit_trng">प्रशिक्षण सम्पादन</string> <string name="duplicate_trng">प्रशिक्षण नक़ल</string> <string name="please_type_name">कृपया नाम टंकित करे</string> <string name="unchanged_default">मूल प्रशिक्षण के लिए अपरिवर्तित</string> <string name="unchanged_for_this">इस प्रशिक्षण के लिए अपरिवर्तित</string> <string name="breath_per_minute">एक मिनट में साँस</string> <string name="bpm">प्रमिबि</string> <string name="your_level">आपका स्तर</string> <string name="total_time_spent">पूरा बिताया समय</string> <string name="your_total_level">आपका पूर्ण स्तर</string> <string name="my_total_level">मेरा पूर्ण स्तर</string> <string name="level">स्तर</string> <string name="time_spent">बिताया समय</string>
<string name="trainings">प्रशिक्षण</string> <string name="all_trainings">सभी प्रशिक्षण</string> <string name="health_test">स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण</string> <string name="health_tests">सारे स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण</string>
<string name="as_general">सामान्य रूप से</string> <string name="prefs_1_differ">%से अंतर</string> <string name="prefs_4_differ">%से अंतर</string> <string name="prefs_5_differ">%से अंतर</string> <string name="note">टिप्पणी</string> <string name="no_log">इस अवधि के लिए कोई प्रविष्टि नहीं</string> <string name="note_saved_toast">टिप्पणी प्रविष्टि हुयी</string>
<string name="breath_methods">साँस विधि</string> <string name="bm_nose">नाक</string> <string name="bm_r_nostril_cl">दायीं नाक बंद</string> <string name="bm_l_nostril_cl">बायीं नाक बंद</string> <string name="bm_mouth">मुँह</string> <string name="bm_lips_fold">मुड़े हुए होंठ</string> <string name="bm_tongue_fold">मुड़ी हुयी जीभ</string> <string name="bm_clenched_teeth">जकड़े हुए दाँत</string> <string name="bm_mouth_wide">मुँह चौड़ा खुला</string> <string name="bm_tongue_out">जीभ बाहर</string> <string name="bm_nostrils_closed">नाक बंद</string> <string name="bm_eyes_ears_closed">आँख और कान बंद</string>
<string name="as_it_is">ज्यों का त्यों</string> <string name="as_in_mirror">जैसे की दर्पण में</string>
<string name="chant">जाप</string> <string name="not_available_for_cycle">इस चक्र के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं है</string>
<string name="aa_ch">आऽऽ</string> <string name="oo_ch">ओऽऽ</string> <string name="uu_ch">उऽऽ</string> <string name="ee_ch">ईऽऽ</string> <string name="ii_ch">इऽऽ</string> <string name="mm_ch">मऽऽ</string> <string name="nn_ch">नऽऽ</string> <string name="om_ch">ओऽऽम</string> <string name="aum_ch">अऊम</string> <string name="ss_ch">स्स्स्स्स</string> <string name="sh_ch">श्श्श्श</string> <string name="hm_ch">ह्म्मम</string> <string name="ha_ch">ह्हहा</string> <string name="details">विवरण</string> <string name="exp_details">अनुभव विवरण</string> <string name="log_details">सत्र विवरण</string> <string name="training_details">प्रशिक्षण विवरण</string> <string name="end_time">अंत समय</string> <string name="cycle_duration">चक्र अवधि</string> <string name="trngs_duration">चक्र अवधियाँ</string> <string name="maximum">अधिकतम</string> <string name="minimum">न्यूनतम</string> <string name="average">औसत</string> <string name="min_av_max_toast">न्यूनतम - औसतम - अधिकतम</string>
<string name="dynamic_on_toast">गतिशील प्रण्ङली चालू</string> <string name="apply_for_following_cyc">आनेवाली सभी चक्रों के लिए आवेदन करें</string> <string name="make_them_same">उन्हें पहले की तरह बनाएं</string> <string name="make_every_1">सभी को</string> <string name="cycles_the_same_2">सभी चक्रों को समान</string> <string name="to_ratio">%1$s to ratio</string> <string name="to_sec_per_unit">%1$s to sec per unit</string> <string name="alternate_nostrils">हर बार अलग अलग नाक से</string> <string name="insert_above">ऊपर सम्मिलित करें</string> <string name="insert_below">नीचे सम्मिलित करें</string> <string name="dynamic_help_title">गतिशील प्रशिक्षण</string> <string name="dynamic_help_content"><![CDATA[ यहां आप एक ही प्रशिक्षण के भीतर प्रत्येक चक्र के लिए चरणों के लिए अलग-अलग अवधि निर्धारित कर सकते हैं। ऐसा करने के लिए, आप जिस चक्र को बदलना चाहते हैं, उस पर दो बार क्लिक करें या लंबी-क्लिक करें।
प्रशिक्षण को छोटे से शुरू करने की आग्रह की जाती है, और इसलिए आसान चक्रों में, धीरे-धीरे प्रति सेकंड सेकंड की संख्या को जोड़कर, प्रशिक्षण को और अधिक जटिल और कुशल बनाता है।
इसके अलावा, विशिष्ट रूप से निर्मित प्रशिक्षण के लिए, आप प्रारंभिक स्वरूप को ही बदल सकते हैं। अनुभवी उपयोगकर्ता एक ही प्रशिक्षण में विभिन्न स्वरूपों के प्रभावों के संयोजन में रुचि हो सकती है।
<string name="bpm_option">श्वास/ मिनट</string> <string name="trng_time_option">प्रशिक्षण समय</string> <string name="amount_of_cycles">चक्रों की संख्या</string> <string name="amount">संख्या</string>
<string name="reminder_repeat">दोहराना</string> <string name="every_day">हर दिन</string> <string name="never">कभी नहीं</string> <string name="tomorrow">आने वाला कल</string> <string name="today">आज</string> <string name="no_reminders">कोई अनुस्मारक नहीं</string>
<string name="motivators">प्रेरक</string> <string name="new_motivator">नया प्रेरक</string> <string name="edit_motivator">प्रेरक संपादन</string> <string name="edit_msg">संदेश संपादन</string> <string name="type_msg_required_hint">संदेश</string> <string name="rand_motivator">आकस्मिक प्रेरक</string> <string name="no_motivators">कोई प्रेरक नहीं</string> <string name="motivator_1">"सोमवार से शुरू करें "क्या यह परिचित है ?</string> <string name="motivator_2">विलम्ब करने का कोई कारण नहीं!</string> <string name="motivator_3">अपने स्वास्थ्य के लिए समय ढूंढे!</string> <string name="motivator_4">आपका काम इंतजार कर सकता है,थोड़ा समय निकलें और श्वास लें!</string> <string name="motivator_5">स्मरण करें, कि खुल कर श्वास लेना कितना अच्छा है?</string> <string name="motivator_6">यह समय आपको अपने स्वास्थ्य में निवेश करने का है!</string> <string name="motivator_7">अपनी प्राण शक्ति और ऊर्जा में श्वास लें!</string> <string name="motivator_8">क्या जरूरी काम के बारे में सोचना आपके स्वास्थ्य से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है?</string> <string name="motivator_9">तो आपका "सोमवार" कब शुरू हो रहा ?</string> <string name="motivator_10">The main thing - to move away from the tailpipe! =)</string> <string name="motivator_11">फेफड़े मांसपेशियों की तरह होते हैं, वे प्रशिक्षण के बिना कमजोर पड़ जाते हैं!</string> <string name="motivator_12">अपने आपको एक ही प्रशिक्षण में तरोताजा करें!</string> <string name="motivator_13">आपका प्रशिक्षण आपकी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है!</string> <string name="motivator_14">प्रशिक्षण जारी रखें - आप अभी तक निर्वाण में नहीं हैं!</string> <string name="motivator_15">भगवान आपकी मदद करें!</string> <string name="motivator_16">अगले आने वाले बीस सालों में आप अपने आपको धन्यवाद कहेंगे इन प्रयासों के लिए।</string> <string name="motivator_17">अच्छा स्वास्थ्य थोड़े किन्तु लगतार प्रयासों से बनता है।</string> <string name="motivator_18">चलो, बस 7 मिनट ही तो लगते हैं!</string> <string name="motivator_19">थक गए ? श्वास लेने के लिए कुछ मिनट निकलें!</string>
<string name="delete_trng_t">प्रशिक्षण को मिटा दें ?</string> <string name="delete_entry_t">प्रविष्टि को मिटा दें ?</string> <string name="delete_reminder_t">अनुष्मारक को मिटा दें ?</string> <string name="whats_new">नया क्या है ?</string> <string name="regular_user">अब आप हमारे नियमित उपयोगकर्ता हैं।</string> <string name="please_rate_app_c">कृपया अनुप्रयोग को रेट करें, ताकि हम इसे और भी बेहतर बना सकें।</string> <string name="rate_now">अभी रेट करें</string> <string name="later">बाद में</string> <string name="to_never">कभी नहीं</string> <string name="to_watch">देखें</string> <string name="welcome">आपका स्वागत है!</string> <string name="intro_video_c">यह एक आपको मुख्य विशेषताओं के साथ सहज होने के लिए एक छोटा वीडियो है</string> <string name="visit">भ्रमण करें</string> <string name="social_title">क्या आप जानते हैं?</string> <string name="social_content">हमारे पास फेसबुक पर समाचार और उपयोगी टिप्स के साथ एक समुदाय है।</string> <string name="delete_all_stat_t">सारे आंकड़ों को मिटाएं?</string> <string name="delete_all_stat_c"><![CDATA[आपके सारे आंकड़े हमेशा के लिए मित जाएंगे।]]></string> <string name="reset">दोबारा पुनः से शुरू करें।</string> <string name="reset_prefs">दोबारा पुनः से शुरू करें।</string> <string name="reset_prefs_t">सेटिंग्स को फिर से करें?</string> <string name="reset_prefs_c">इस टैब में सभी सेटिंग्स डिफ़ॉल्ट पर रीसेट हो जाएंगी!</string>
<string name="guru_tail">गुरु</string> <string name="ui_cat">अंतरापृष्ठ</string> <string name="lang_pref">भाषा</string> <string name="def_val">डिफॉल्ट</string> <string name="sys_def_val">सिस्टम डिफॉल्ट</string> <string name="num_system">अंक प्रणाली</string> <string name="theme_pref">विषय</string> <string name="night_mode">रात्रि स्वरूप</string> <string name="light_theme">हल्का विषय</string> <string name="dark_theme">रात्रि विषय</string>
<string name="screen_dur_trng">प्रशिक्षण के समय चित्रपट</string> <string name="keep_on_sv">सभी प्रशिक्षण जारी रखें</string> <string name="turn_off_imm_sv">तुरन्त बंद करें</string> <string name="anim_cycle_sv">चक्र के दौरान एनिमेटेड चमक</string> <string name="anim_phase_sv">चरण के दौरान एनिमेटेड चमक</string>
<string name="notif_dur_trng">प्रशिक्षण के दौरान अधिसूचना</string> <string name="show_time">समय दिखाएं</string> <string name="show_progress">प्रगति बार दिखाएं</string> <string name="trng_chart">प्रशिक्षण चार्ट</string> <string name="no_chart_v">कोई चार्ट नहीं</string> <string name="ring_v">वृत</string> <string name="line_v">रेखा</string> <string name="planets_v">ग्रह</string> <string name="asteroids_v">क्षुदग्रह</string> <string name="stat_chart">सांख्यिकी चार्ट</string> <string name="bar_v">बार</string>
<string name="chart_colors">चार्ट रंग</string> <string name="choose_color">रंग चुने</string>
<string name="miscellaneous_title">विविध</string> <string name="sync_google_fit">गूगल फिट के साथ समकालीन करें</string> <string name="anonymous_data_usage">बग रिपोर्ट और बिना नाम के उपयोग आंकड़े भेजें</string>
<string name="bg_sound">आधार ध्वनि</string> <string name="bg_sound_num">Background sound #%s</string>
<string name="each_phase">हर अवस्था के लिए</string> <string name="sound_style">ध्वनि का तरीका</string> <string name="new_sound_style">नये ध्वनि का तरीक़ा</string> <string name="edit_sound_style">ध्वनि तरीके कों संपादित करें</string>
<string name="volume">तीव्रता</string> <string name="frequency_m">आवृति</string> <string name="vibration">कम्पन</string> <string name="diverse_pitch">विविध स्वरमान</string>
<string name="bg_style">आधार ध्वनि का तरीका</string> <string name="sunrise_bg">सूर्योदय</string> <string name="stream_bg">प्रवाह</string> <string name="sea_bg">समुद्र</string> <string name="rain_bg">वर्षा</string> <string name="wind_bg">पवन</string> <string name="fire_bg">आग</string> <string name="earth_bg">पृथ्वी</string> <string name="elements_bg">तत्व</string> <string name="lark_bg">एक पक्षी</string> <string name="spring_bg">बसंत ऋतु</string> <string name="om_bg">मजबूत ओम</string> <string name="mystic_bg">रहस्यवादी</string> <string name="binaural_bg">उभयलिंगी शोर</string> <string name="fade_time">क्षीण होने का समय</string> <string name="fade_level">क्षीण होने का लेवल</string> <string name="browse">सरसरी नजर</string> <string name="sound_file_error">ध्वनी फाइल या तो टूटी हुई है या तो उपस्थिति नहीं</string> <string name="mute_phases">गूंगा चरण</string> <string name="metronome">ताल मापनी</string> <string name="metronome_style">ताल मापनी तरीका</string> <string name="maracas_mn">मराकस</string> <string name="nuts_mn">सुपारी</string> <string name="bamboo_stick_mn">बांस की छड़ी</string> <string name="hammer_mn">हथौड़ा</string> <string name="bubble_mn">बुलबुला</string> <string name="chaffinch_bird_mn">चैफिंच पक्षी</string> <string name="brambling_bird_mn">ब्रंबलिंग पक्षी</string> <string name="goldfinch_mn">गोल्डफिंच</string> <string name="ouzel_mn">आउजल पक्षी</string> <string name="seagull_mn">गंगा चिल्ली</string> <string name="chirping_cricket_mn">झींगुर</string> <string name="grasshopper_mn">टिद्दा</string> <string name="frog_mn">मेंढ़क</string> <string name="cat_mn">बिल्ली</string>
<string name="phase_transition">चरण बदलाव</string> <string name="phase_transition_style">चरण बदलाव तरीका</string> <string name="percussion_pt">आघात</string> <string name="buddhist_gong_pt">बौद्ध घंटा</string> <string name="flute_pt">बांसुरी</string> <string name="tibetan_bowl_pt">तिब्बत का कटोरा</string> <string name="himalayan_bowl_pt">हिमालय का कटोरा</string> <string name="bell_pt">घंटी</string> <string name="bubbles_pt">बुलबुले</string> <string name="close_thunder_pt">नजदीकी गर्जना</string> <string name="distant_thunder_pt">दूरस्थ गर्जना</string> <string name="oriole_bird_pt">ओरियोल पक्षी</string> <string name="golden_oriole_pt">सुनहरा ओरियोल पक्षी</string> <string name="warbler_bird_pt">वारबियर पक्षी</string> <string name="bittern_bird_pt">बिटरण पक्षी</string> <string name="woodpecker_pt">कठफोड़वा</string> <string name="owl_bird_pt">उल्लू</string> <string name="bumblebee_pt">भंवरा</string> <string name="male_voice_pt">पुरुष आवाज</string> <string name="female_voice_pt">महिला आवाज</string>
<string name="cl_sound">मार्गदर्शक ध्वनि</string> <string name="cl_style">मार्गदर्शक ध्वनि तरीका</string>
<string name="oc_sound">यदा कदा ध्वनि</string> <string name="oc_sound_num">Occasional sound #%s</string> <string name="oc_style">यदा कदा ध्वनि का तरीका</string> <string name="reached_max_channels">इस डिवाइस के लिए अधिकतम मात्रा में ध्वनि चैनल हैं</string> <string name="very_often">अक्सर</string> <string name="often">प्रायः</string> <string name="average_oc">औसत</string> <string name="rarely">दुर्लभ</string> <string name="very_rarely">अति दुर्लभ</string>
<string name="ot_sounds">अन्य ध्वनियां</string> <string name="pause_style">ध्वनि तरीके को ठहराएं</string> <string name="stop_style">ध्वनि तरीके को रोकें</string> <string name="notif_style">अधिसूचना ध्वनि शैली</string> <string name="text_to_speech">लिखे हुए को बोलने में बदलना</string>
<string name="chain_ot">जंजीर</string> <string name="magic_dust_ot">जादुई धूल</string> <string name="clear_bell_ot">स्पष्ट घंटी</string> <string name="fanfare_ot">धूमधाम</string>
<string name="create_backup">बैकअप बनाएं</string> <string name="restore_data">आंकड़ों को बहाल करें</string> <string name="backup_success_toast">बैकअप फाइल सफलता पूर्वक बनाई गई</string> <string name="no_access_sd_toast">ऐप को एसडी कार्ड को एक्सेस करने की अनुमति नहीं है</string> <string name="error_toast">उफ़, वहाँ एक त्रुटि है।</string> <string name="restore_success_toast">सारे आंकड़े सफलता पूर्वक बहाल किए गए!</string> <string name="memory_card">मेमोरी कार्ड</string> <string name="gdrive">गूगल ड्राइव</string> <string name="sd_card">एसडी कार्ड</string> <string name="autosave">Autosave</string> <string name="autosave_summary">Create a backup file after a training done</string>
<string name="import_data">आंकड़े आयात करें</string> <string name="export_data">आंकड़े निर्यात करे</string> <string name="to_export">निर्यात</string> <string name="select_trng_file">प्रशिक्षण फ़ाइल का चयन करें (*.trng)</string> <string name="import_success_toast">सफलापूर्वक आयात किया गया!</string> <string name="file_corrupted">फ़ाइल दूषित है और आयात नहीं की जा सकती</string>
<string name="export_trng">प्रशिक्षण निर्यात करे</string> <string name="export">निर्यात</string> <string name="include_sounds">ध्वनियों को शामिल करें</string> <string name="include_levels">जटिलता स्तर शामिल करें</string> <string name="include_note">नोट शामिल करें</string>
<string name="export_stat">सांख्यिकी निर्यात करें</string> <string name="all_time_period">सम्पूर्ण समय अन्तराल</string> <string name="trainings_log">प्रशिक्षण लॉग</string> <string name="health_tests_log">स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण लॉग</string> <string name="separator">पृथक्कारक</string>
<string name="more_apps_separator">और भी एप्लिकेशन, हमारी टीम द्वारा बनाया गया</string> <string name="install">इंस्टॉल</string> <string name="time_planner_title">समय नियोजक</string> <string name="time_planner_content">सुविधाजनक अनुसूची, टू-डू सूचियों और आंकड़ों के साथ अपना कीमती समय व्यवस्थित करने में आपकी सहायता करेगा।</string> <string name="magic_intuition_title">जादू अंतर्ज्ञान</string> <string name="magic_intuition_content">आपकी छठी इंद्री को बेहतर बनाने और जीवन के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में लाभकारी विकल्प बनाने के लिए सीखने में आपकी मदद करेगा।</string> <string name="get_guru_version_t">गुरु संस्करण पाएँ</string> <string name="get_cool_extra_features_c">शांत अतिरिक्त सुविधाएँ प्राप्त करें! प्राण सांस में सुधार का समर्थन करें</string> <string name="have_free_trial">पाएं नि: शुल्क परीक्षण के लिए अपने 7 दिन।</string> <string name="best_investment_health">सर्वोत्तम निवेश आपके अपने स्वास्थ्य में !</string> <string name="full_func_for_free">सम्पूर्ण फंक्शन मुफ्त में !</string> <string name="three_months">तीन महीने</string> <string name="one_year">एक वर्ष</string> <string name="forever">हमेशा के लिए</string> <string name="unsubscribe">सदस्यता रद्द</string> <string name="congrats_you_have_it">बधाई! यह आपके पास पहले से है।</string> <string name="congrats_you_got_guru">बधाई हो! आपको गुरु संस्करण मिल गया है</string> <string name="available_in_guru">गुरु संस्करण में उपलब्ध है</string> <string name="choose_how_much_contribute">कृपया चुनें कि आप ऐप के सुधार में कितना योगदान दे सकते हैं। आपके समर्थन के लिए धन्यवाद!</string> <string name="trial">परीक्षण</string> <string name="key">कुंजी</string> <string name="guru_key">गुरु संस्करण कुंजी</string> <string name="account">लेखा</string>
<string name="guru_main_title"><![CDATA[Prana Breath Guru]]></string> <string name="free_main_title"><![CDATA[Prana Breath Free]]></string> <string name="donate_and_get_gift_t">दान करें और उपहार प्राप्त करें</string> <string name="donate_and_get_gift_c"><![CDATA[यदि यह ऐप आपकी बहुत मदद करता है, और आप इसके आगे के विकास का समर्थन करना चाहते हैं, तो मैं वास्तव में इसकी सराहना करूंगा! चूँकि दान से मुझे ऐप के सूची को लागू करने में तेजी से पूरा करने में मदद मिलती है। कृपया ध्यान दें कि यह आपकी सदस्यता स्थिति को प्रभावित नहीं करेगा: यदि आप मुफ्त संस्करण का उपयोग करते हैं, तो यह मुक्त रहेगा, यदि गुरु - यह गुरु रहेगा।
आपके समर्थन के लिए धन्यवाद! ]]></string> <string name="donate">दान</string> <string name="choose_your_gift">कृपया अपना उपहार चुने</string> <string name="request">अनुरोध</string> <string name="you_got_discount_c">You\'ve got %1$s%2$s discount for 1-year subscription for one of the following apps:</string>
<string name="promo_code">प्रचार कोड</string> <string name="enter_code">कोड यहां प्रविष्ट करें</string> <string name="activate">सक्रिय</string> <string name="your_promo_code">आपका प्रचार कोड</string> <string name="promo_howto">कृपया इस सप्ताह के अंत तक इसे सक्रिय करें!</string> <string name="how_to">कैसे</string> <string name="guru_dynamic_t">गतिशील प्रशिक्षण</string> <string name="guru_dynamic_c">एकल प्रशिक्षण के भीतर प्रत्येक चक्र के लिए चरणों के लिए अलग-अलग अवधि निर्धारित करें। यह छोटे से प्रशिक्षण शुरू करने की अनुमति देगा, और इस तरह आसान चक्र, और धीरे-धीरे अधिक जटिल हो जाएगा। एक प्रशिक्षण में विभिन्न पैटर्न के प्रभावों को मिलाएं!</string> <string name="guru_accuracy_t">एक सेकंड के 1/1000 तक सटीक</string> <string name="guru_accuracy_c">एक मिली सेकेंड के भीतर सटीक प्रति इकाई "सेकंड बदलें, जो नए तनाव में एक आसान सुगम बदलाव में योगदान देता है।</string> <string name="guru_methods_t">Diverse breath methods</string> <string name="guru_methods_c">Experiment with different ways of breathing to deepen your Pranayama experience. Have a visual and acoustical guidance for switching those ways.</string> <string name="guru_duration_t">Infinite training duration</string> <string name="guru_duration_c">Have the training sessions of any duration you would like, technically up to 999 minutes or 999 cycles.</string> <string name="guru_progress_t">Detailed progress charts</string> <string name="guru_progress_c">Watch your progress using the number of breaths per minute and the time of training, daily, weekly and monthly.</string> <string name="guru_health_t">Health tests</string> <string name="guru_health_c">Keep track of your health with the help of three pulmonological (Shtange, Genchi and Buteyko tests) and two cardiovascular tests (heart rate and peripheral blood circulation), and evaluate the impact of your basic pattern of training, analyzing chart of health progress daily, weekly and monthly.</string> <string name="guru_gdrive_t">Google Drive backup</string> <string name="guru_gdrive_c">Have your data in a cloud storage, and sync it across all your devices easily.</string> <string name="guru_export_t">Import/export data</string> <string name="guru_export_c">Have all your data, or just one training, exported in a file to view it in any convenient program.</string> <string name="guru_more_patterns_t">Experiment with patterns</string> <string name="guru_more_patterns_c">Download new patterns from our database, or share your custom training with a friend.</string> <string name="guru_sounds_t">More sounds</string> <string name="guru_sounds_c">Enjoy lots sound themes, add your own, and have a unique sound set for each training!</string> <string name="guru_settings_t">Enriched settings</string> <string name="guru_settings_c">Control even more parameters: add chants, notes, chart colors!</string> <string name="free_ads_t">Free from ads</string> <string name="free_ads_c">You\'ll never see any ads in our app - that is our principle!</string> <string name="free_battery_t">Battery saving</string> <string name="free_battery_c">Turn off your screen during trainings to get richer experience and more battery time.</string> <string name="free_patterns_t">8 breathing patterns</string> <string name="free_patterns_c">Use 8 default breathing patterns for different purposes: for relaxing, concentrating, calming, etc.</string> <string name="free_custom_t">Custom patterns</string> <string name="free_custom_c">Create the unlimited number of new patterns for your own personal needs.</string> <string name="free_progress_t">Evident progress</string> <string name="free_progress_c">See your training progress visually in mandalas and total time spent.</string> <string name="free_help_t">Get enough info</string> <string name="free_help_c">Read about training effects, look through FAQ, and watch videos to get the most of your trainings and of this app.</string> <string name="free_reminders_t">Reminders</string> <string name="free_reminders_c">Set your convenient schedule with reminders.</string> <string name="free_duration_t">Duration in amount of cycles or of time</string> <string name="free_duration_c">Tune up your training duration in more comfortable way.</string> <string name="free_backup_c">Create the backup files and restore your data to keep your progress safe, or to transfer it to another device.</string>
<string name="no_vibro_toast">Your device doesn\'t support vibration</string> <string name="upcoming_version_toast">Will be available in the upcoming version</string> <string name="update_downloaded_toast">The update has been downloaded</string> <string name="retry_toast">Please retry in a few seconds</string> <string name="retry_online_toast">Please retry when you are online</string> <string name="exit_from_settings_toast">Please exit Settings before resuming the training</string> <string name="pause_trng_first_toast">Pause the training to start the health test</string> <string name="stop_health_test_first_toast">Stop the health test to start the training</string> <string name="stop_trng_to_run_another_toast">Stop the current training to start another</string> <string name="applies_to_this_trng_only">Applies to this training only</string> <string name="applies_after_restart_toast">Applies after the app is restarted</string> <string name="in_progress">In progress…</string> <string name="error_web_client">No Web client found!</string> <string name="error_email_client">No Email client found!</string>
<string name="share">Share</string> <string name="new_accomplishment">New accomplishment!</string> <string name="i_got_achievement_msg"><![CDATA[I\'ve got a new achievement in <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> app!]]></string> <string name="i_reached_level_msg"><![CDATA[I\'ve reached a new level in <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> app!]]></string>
<string name="share_mail_subject">Check out Prana Breath!</string> <string name="share_mail"><![CDATA[ Breath meditation app with lots of features: \n %1$s \n\n Now I\'ve got more control over my mind! ]]></string>
<string name="health_level_o">Health level</string> <string name="shtange_test_o">Shtange test</string> <string name="genchi_test_o">Genchi test</string> <string name="buteiko_test_o">Buteyko test</string> <string name="heart_rate_o">Heart rate</string> <string name="blood_circulation_o">Blood circulation</string> <string name="shtange_help_t">Shtange test</string> <string name="genchi_help_t">Genchi test</string> <string name="buteiko_help_t">Buteyko test</string> <string name="heart_rate_help_t">Heart rate test</string> <string name="blood_circulation_t">Peripheral blood circulation test</string> <string name="beats_min">Beats/min</string> <string name="shtange_help_content"><![CDATA[This is one of the test set for the respiratory system condition assessment, which shows how long you are able to retain your breath. Together with the Genchi test it allows to reveal the hidden coronary insufficiency in the early stages.
It is recommended to do this test once a week to track the effectiveness of your trainings.
1. Sit down straight.
2. Breathe in and breath out as regular.
3. Inhale deeply, but not maximally.
4. Retain your breath, and simultaneously start the stopwatch.
5. Close the nostrils with your fingers.
6. Hold your breath as long as possible, but do not lead to dizziness.
7. At the moment of expiration, stop the stopwatch.
]]></string> <string name="genchi_help_content"><![CDATA[This is one of the test set for the respiratory system condition assessment, which shows your resistance to hypoxia.
It is recommended to do this test once a week to track the effectiveness of your trainings.
1. Lie down on a flat surface.
2. Breathe out and breath in as regular.
3. Exhale as usual, not maximally.
4. Sustain your breath, and simultaneously start the stopwatch.
5. Hold your breath as long as possible, but do not lead to dizziness.
6. At the moment of inspiration, stop the stopwatch.
]]></string> <string name="buteiko_help_content"><![CDATA[This is one of the test set for the respiratory system condition assessment, which lets to define carbon dioxide level in pulmonary alveoli.
It is recommended to do this test at the very same exact time, on an empty stomach, and at least once a week.
1. Sit down comfortably using one of the following positions: on heels, \"half-lotus\", or \"lotus\".
2. Raise your pupils up without raising your head.
3. Fold your lips, slightly pouting them.
4. Breathe in and breath out through your nose as regular, not deeply.
5. Sustain your breath, and simultaneously start the stopwatch.
6. Hold your breath before you start feeling uncomfortable.
7. At a moment when the first desire to inhale comes, stop the stopwatch.
]]></string> <string name="heart_rate_help_content"><![CDATA[This test is for the cardiovascular system state evaluation, which determines the heart rate. It is recommended to execute the test in a quiescent state (both physical and emotional) at least once a week.
1. Sit down comfortably and straight.
2. Take a few relaxing breaths.
3. Place the index and middle fingers of one hand on the place where you can detectable pulse the best. This may be your wrist, the carotid artery, or the jugular fossa on the neck.
4. Start counting the pulse, and simultaneously start the stopwatch.
5. Close your eyes, so the stopwatch will not distract you.
6. At a moment when you have exactly 30 beats counted, stop the stopwatch.
]]></string> <string name="blood_circulation_help_content"><![CDATA[This test provides the information about the state of your peripheral blood circulation.
It is recommended to do this test once a week in a quiescent state, and to feel warm at that time.
1. Pinch the skin on the back of the hand with your thumb and index finger for 5 seconds.
2. Release the skin, and simultaneously start the stopwatch.
3. At the moment you see the white spot on the skin have acquired the regular color, stop the stopwatch.
]]></string> <string name="health_tests_help_content"><![CDATA[This section contains special tests to determine the health level of the respiratory system, and, therefore, of the whole organism. It is recommended to do them once a week for an adequate evaluation of your training effectiveness.
It is best to perform tests on an empty stomach, at one certain chosen time, with 5 minute intervals between tests.
The graphs below show your achievement in each of the tests.
The graph \"health level\" shows your average level of physical fitness.
If your results are:
Above the dashed purple line - it\'s time to open your own healthy lifestyle training center! =)
- - - - - -
Between the dashed purple and blue lines - excellent result, most likely you are working out diligently and a lot.
- - - - - -
Between the dashed blue and solid green - you\'re in a good shape, continue accumulating your health potential!
_______ The solid green line is the average level for an adult.
Between the solid green and dashed yellow - it\'s a good idea to pay more attention to trainings, in order to be more vigorous and energetic.
- - - - - -
Between the dashed yellow and red - serious attention to your health needed, as well as to train more often and more intensively, to maintain good health for years to come.
- - - - - -
Below the red line - likely, you should contact your physician for the recommendations to improve your condition.
NB! These graphs can be not objective, in case there is any of the following:
* special physiological conditions: pregnancy, postpartum or post-operational recovery;
* acute respiratory diseases;
* exacerbation of chronic diseases;
* effect of stimulating substances (nicotine, alcohol, some medications, etc.);
* in childhood, adolescence and an old age.
<a href=\"%6$sHealth_tab\">%7$s</a> ]]></string>
<string name="benefits_t">Training benefits:</string> <string name="benefit_1">cerebral circulation improving, relieves migraine headaches</string> <string name="benefit_2">memory sharpening</string> <string name="benefit_3">concentration skill developing</string> <string name="benefit_4">increasing stress resistance</string> <string name="benefit_5">vivacity during the whole day</string> <string name="benefit_6">anxiety reducing before the serious events (public speaking, examinations, etc.)</string> <string name="benefit_7">boosting mood and improving general emotional background</string> <string name="benefit_8">relaxing after a hard day</string> <string name="benefit_9">sleep quality increasing</string> <string name="benefit_10">need for sleep reducing</string> <string name="benefit_11">lung vital capacity increasing, thus voice improving</string> <string name="benefit_12">reducing the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks</string> <string name="benefit_13">increasing physical endurance</string> <string name="benefit_14">reducing the frequency of catarrhal diseases</string> <string name="benefit_15">tissue immunity stimulating</string> <string name="benefit_16">regular exercise skill and self-discipline developing</string> <string name="benefit_17">reducing excessive appetite, which results in weight correction</string> <string name="proofs_t">Scientific proofs:</string> <string name="proofs_c"><![CDATA[The benefits described above are not only empirically, but scientifically proved! Check out our collection of <a href=\"%1$s%2$s\">scientific research articles</a>.]]></string> <string name="trng_types_t">Training types:</string> <string name="trng_c_1">Enables resources for innovative solutions searching, stimulates creativity.</string> <string name="trng_c_2">Relieves nervous and physical tension, helps to switch to resting.</string> <string name="trng_c_3">Balances strong emotions, enables taking control over them.</string> <string name="trng_c_4">Mobilizes body resources for coping with serious tasks, promotes concentration on important things.</string> <string name="trng_c_5">Harmonizes psycho-emotional processes, gives the feeling of integrity.</string> <string name="trng_c_6">Effective training for quick stress eliminating, please do not overuse it!</string> <string name="trng_c_7">Removes emotional (not physical!) attack of hunger, weakens food obsession (according to the method of A. Faleev).</string> <string name="trng_c_8">Helps to relieve cigarette craving that happen with those who decided to quit this habit (quit smoking by respira.re).</string> <string name="trng_c_more">Download the patterns you like from our wiki data base!</string> <string name="contraindication_t">Contraindication:</string> <string name="contraindication_c">Severe inflammatory processes, mental illnesses and disorders. Air retain is strictly prohibited if there is a tendency to hypertension. In case of having any chronic diseases please consult your doctor.</string> <string name="faq_t_1">Where is the best place for practicing?</string> <string name="faq_c_1">It\'s optimal to go outside, or at least open the window. The forest, park or city garden are good choices.</string> <string name="faq_t_2">When is it better to practice?</string> <string name="faq_c_2">It is recommended to practice no earlier than 2 hours after a meal, or on an empty stomach.</string> <string name="faq_t_3">What position to choose for the training?</string> <string name="faq_c_3">Any straight back position works: sitting on a chair, on your knees, in \"half-lotus\", or \"lotus\", as well as lying down. Standing is also ok, but it decreases the training effectiveness, as you will spend more energy for maintaining a straight posture.</string> <string name="faq_t_4">How to create an effective training program?</string> <string name="faq_c_4">For best results, select one or two types of training to practice those patterns regularly, at least 15 minutes a day. You can occasionally use other patterns, if you need their specific effect, but do not change the basic training too often. When with your basic training you see the results that suit you, you can change it.</string> <string name="faq_t_5">Is it ok to combine breathing gymnastics with other things?</string> <string name="faq_c_5">Yes, if they don\'t include the physical effort and don\'t interfere with proper breathing techniques. But still it\'s much more effective just to close your eyes and to concentrate on the process.</string> <string name="faq_t_6">How to combine breathing practices with the asanas, sports and other physical activities?</string> <string name="faq_c_6">It is recommended to do the asanas first, and after that, at least in 45 minutes, do breathing exercises. Regarding sports and other physical activities, the order here is not that important, it is important to keep the break to restore breathing and heart rate.</string> <string name="faq_t_7">Is it possible to combine breathing exercises presented in this application, with other breathing exercises, for example, by Buteyko, Frolov, Strelnikova?</string> <string name="faq_c_7">Yes, there are no determined contraindications for this, but it would be better to place these trainings in different parts of the day.</string> <string name="faq_t_8">How long can you train?</string> <string name="faq_c_8">The optimal training time for beginners is set as default, that is 7 minutes. You can change it, but it is not recommended to do more than 15 minutes in a row. Taking less than 3 minutes, you should not expect any significant result.</string> <string name="faq_t_9">How to take a \"proper\" breath?</string> <string name="faq_c_9">Inhalation comprises three stages, which smoothly flow one into the other: \n 1. First, fill your bottom section of the lungs with air. This makes your belly expanding, but chest remains immobilized. \n 2. Then inhale with the middle section. The rib cage expands. \n 3. Finally, fill of the upper section of the lungs with air. The clavicles rise up.</string> <string name="faq_t_10">How to do an air retain?</string> <string name="faq_c_10">Before air retaining, fill the lungs with air only by 80-90 percent to prevent dizziness. If necessary, close the nostrils with your fingers.</string> <string name="faq_t_11">How do breathe out properly?</string> <string name="faq_c_11">Exhalation is performed inversely to inhalation. That is, first release the upper section of the lungs, then the middle and finally - the bottom, contracting your abdomen.</string> <string name="faq_t_12">How to do an air sustain?</string> <string name="faq_c_12">Do not sustain your breath at your maximum exhalation. Leave as much air as there remains during your regular exhaling, that is 10-15 percent of the lungs volume. At the last second quickly exhale this leftover.</string> <string name="faq_t_13">How is it better to breathe - with the nose or the mouth?</string> <string name="faq_c_13">Inhaling is only done through the nose, exhaling, you can use both nose and mouth. When exhaling through your mouth, it is recommended to fold the lips.</string>
<string name="faq_t_14">रिपोज चक्र क्या है?</string> <string name="faq_c_14">रेपोज़ चक्र परिभाषित श्वास चरणों के बिना चक्र है, और इसका उपयोग आपकी सांस को बहाल करने और ध्यान लगाने के लिए किया जाता है।</string> <string name="complete_faq">पूर्ण FAQ</string> <string name="my_goal_t">मेरा लक्ष्य :</string> <string name="my_goal_c">लाखों लोग सांस लेने के माध्यम से हर दिन जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार कर रहें है!</string> <string name="app_goal_t">अनुप्रयोग लक्ष्य</string> <string name="app_goal_c">साँस लेने के जिमनास्टिक में प्रशिक्षण आयोजित करने में आपकी सहायता करने के लिए, और आपकी प्रगति को स्पष्ट रूप से देखने का अवसर प्रदान करने के लिए। प्राणायाम, सूफी और तिब्बती श्वास प्रथाओं से पैटर्न लिये गए थे।</string> <string name="privacy_t">गोपनीयता नीति</string> <string name="version">संस्करण</string> <string name="developer">लेखक और डेवलपर:</string> <string name="content">पाठ और वीडियो:</string> <string name="translation">अनुवाद</string> <string name="thanks_for">के लिए विशेष धन्यवाद</string> <string name="licensing">एप्लिकेशन (अनुप्रयोग) निम्नलिखित के तहत लाइब्रेरीज और ध्वनियों का उपयोग करता है:</string>