Development:Prana Breath API/Collections:Trainings
From Olekdia Wiki
, or trngs
- collection that gives you access to all trainings in the app.
Command | Description |
list | Returns training list. Currently it is only used in console for retrieving training list.
pos id public_id name 0 1 1 Clear mind 1 2 2 Relax 2 3 3 Calming 3 4 4 Power 4 5 5 Harmony 5 6 6 Anti-stress 6 7 7 Anti-appetite 7 8 8 Cigarette replace 8 9 11 Bhastrika
import | Import the specified training into the app.
create | Create the training with defined parameters. If training with such name already exists - new training will not be created. Instead all parameters will be applied to this training.
start | Starts the selected training. If there is no an entered training - nothing happens, if only the training name is set from public training list, in such case it will be imported automatically and started.
delete | Delete the selected training. If there is no an entered training - nothing happens |
info |
Parameter | Description |
name | Name of the training.
public_id | Indicates public id of the training. All trainings in this list have their own public_id. Readonly value.
trng_type | Is a kind of the training. Value range is [0 - breathing session, 1 - meditation].
pos | Position of the training in the training list.
curr_level | Selected complexity level of a training (if applicable). Value range is [1, 5]
dur_time, or duration | Training duration, in milliseconds (if this value is set, training duration mode will be measured in amount of time). Value range is [1, 999]
dur_num_cycles, or num_iterations | Training duration, in amount of cycles (if this value is set, training duration mode will be measured in amount of cycles). Value range is [1, 999]
dur_prep_time | Preparing time duration, in milliseconds. Value range is [0, 60000]
dynamic, or trng_cycles | The object which represents breathing or repose cycles of the training.
dynamic_enabled | Trigger dynamic mode. Value range is [true, false].
custom_chants | The training note. // todo |
note | The training note.
json_data | Data of training (.trng) file for importing.