Wybitny śpiewak
Wybitny śpiewak to dodatkowy zestaw szablonów w Prana Breath dostępny od wydania 7.0 w wersji Guru, który zalecany jest dla osób, które ukończyły wszystkie ćwiczenia wzorca śpiewak.
Download: Distinguished_singer.trng |
- roztrenowanie mięśni brzucha, gardła i międzyżebrowych
- poprawa krążenia krwi wokół głośni
- poprawa możliwości utrzymania nuty tak długo, jak to możliwe
- poprawa siły głosu
- szansa na utrzymanie dźwięku przez więcej niż minutę na jednym oddechu
Aby uzyskać jak najlepszy efekt, trzeba osiągnąć odpowiedni poziom wytrenowania, by utrzymać cykl oddechowy trwający 90-100 sekund. Należy więc powtarzać wzór Śpiewak, aż będzie to możliwe.
Origin, history
This training type is derived from O. Seffery's book "New rational school of the singer" (available in German and in Russian, 1900. Osmond Sefferi (1845-1922), an eminent Russian (of Italian origin) professor of vocal that lived and worked in St.Petersburg (Russia), has developed a unique and alternative to classical method of voice staging, the effectiveness of what was proven by decades of his work and by the success of his students.
Laryngeal examination of his students, that is featured in the book, has been performed by N.I. Lunin, MD, who is one of the first researches of vitamins; Frederick Hopkins, English biochemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929, has acknowledged the importance Lunin's works for his discovery.
In Prana Breath this training type is adapted even for people that haven't ever practiced vocal exercises.
Setting the training
- Download this pattern if you don't have it yet.
- Choose this pattern in Training tab or Control tab.
- It is recommended to master all exercises in Singer pattern before starting this pattern, or to be able to handle a breath cycle 90-100 seconds long.
Training process
- Choose the comfortable position. It's a good idea to stand with your posture straight and your shoulders relaxed.
- Empty your lungs, breathing out with effort ("Prepare").
- Inhale through your nose.
- Retain the air, making sure you don't create much tension in your head.
- Exhale slowly and gradually through your mouth.
- Repose for some time, breathing the way you like.
- Keep breathing like in steps 3-6 till the end of your training session, being guided by breath method and chant indicators.
- After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself, or you can start singing and feeling the difference in your voice.
- You might feel you want to cough while practicing: it's absolutely normal. Just pause the training and resume it after you cleared your lungs.
Other questions
How long should I train? How can I combine this pattern with another? Should I always inhale through my nose?
If you have such or other questions, please look through the FAQ page.